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Infant/ Toddler Room

     World Class Kids provides the highest quality care in an environment that is designed with the parent and child in mind.  Our teachers provide a loving, nurturing environment with low teacher/child ratios.


     We sing, dance and play with your child while music is played in order to stimulate their minds asthetically and developmentally. We promote physical activity through hands on play and stretching assisting your child to meet age appropriate milestones.  We provide play centers that promote coordination and gross motor skills.  Our staff will also provide plenty of hugs and tickles as our staff loves your babies and promote appropriate emotional and developmental growth.


     To protect your child from exposure to germs our teachers are intentional about room cleanliness and hand washing.  We ask that you wash your hands upon entering the classroom to help maintain the cleanliness of the room.  We provide each child with their own crib or mat, a clean sheet, and a shelf for their personal items. Toys are sanitized as needed throughout the day as well as every evening.


     At the toddler age, children are meeting new challenges every day.  Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye.  They are learning new social skills and with that comes a new level of emotions. We provide hands-on activities that allow children to explore, inquire, and discover solutions first hand.  From the early stages of walking, they have been experimenting and meeting new challenges daily.  New social skills and emotions are developing during interaction with other children, resulting in a brand new phase of communication.  Their activity level expands and their mobility strengthens to the next level of development.


     World Class Kids Learning Center follows a daily lesson plan, in an effort to meet all of your child's developmental needs. Our lesson plan will focus on:

  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills- These skills will be developed through activities such as holding a spoon and cup for self-feeding.  Our learning centers are filled with manipulative games/toys to encourage fine and gross motor skills such as:  building and stacking with blocks, shape recognition and matching through puzzles, creative exploration in dramatic play and much more!

  • Language Development-Our teachers continue the development of language by working with your child.  During our circle time, language is encouraged as your childs teacher lovingly uses songs, finger plays, and stories to expand your child`s language ability.

  • Music Appreciation - Music is an incredible tool used for brain development.  Our music programs expose children to a variety of musical styles, cultures, and techniques, awakening their inner abilities.  Children have the opportunity to play instruments, engage in singing exercises, as well as composing their very own musical masterpiece.  Every child has a song in their heart and we can`t wait to hear it!

  • Yoga- Yoga builds fitness, confidence, coordination, and imagination.  Yoga is an effective tool for Quality Learning and enhances flexibility.

Preschool Room

     The daily adventures continue into preschool, and with them come the stepping-stones for a lifetime of learning with World Class Kids preschool curriculum.  Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead.  Supporting each child during this time in her life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while basking in her daily successes.  

Preschoolers are continuing their learning adventure with a desire to do things on their own and make new discoveries. That`s why World Class Kids designed our Preschool Program to fulfill the preschool mind.  Our standards based, preschool curriculum is divided into weekly, theme-based units.  We introduce new words each week, working to strengthen and increase vocabularies and develop character.  Group exercises, as well as individual skill practice, compliment your child's developmental growth, and provide him with many opportunities to explore his personal interests.


     As children enter preschool, the World Class Kids curriculum shifts to accommodate a more planned structure, preparing preschoolers for the academic schedules they'll soon find in elementary school. 

The Preschool Curriculum includes:

  • small group activities planned for every child, throughout every day

  • literacy and writing activities are age appropriate and provided daily

  • activities and music to balance learning and fun

  • emotional and social development with peers and teachers

  • planned outdoor activities for physical fitness and development

  • daily enrichment activities to encourage imaginative and creative play

  • progress reports on child's daily accomplishments

  • decision-making skills to support growing minds


Each day at World Class Kids, children spend their time exploring, learning, and accomplishing new skills.  The value of "playtime" should not be underestimated in a preschool learning environment.  At World Class Kids we understand that as children work and play in well-designed learning stations, they learn to make good choices because there is purpose in their play.  Your child learns critical developmental skills throughout each of our learning stations. 

Before and Aftercare Room

     We strive to make your life more convenient and less stressful.  In order to make that happen we have developed before and after school care, snow days, school holidays, and summer camp programs.  We instill a continued love of learning for children 5 through 12 years old.  How nice it will be to pick up your child knowing they have had time to relax after a long day at school, enjoyed a nutritious snack, and spent time with his friends playing games and having fun outside as well as the blessing of having homework completed.  Not only that, but also, we provide bus service from Flemingsburg Elementary and Ewing Elementary.


     Our before and after school program focuses on making learning fun.  We welcome the children to an environment with plenty of opportunities to unwind and just enjoy being a kid!  Our spacious outdoor playground designed especially for the older child, meets all the requirements to captivate and satisfy the needs of the child.  Your child will find this to be a breath of fresh air!

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